DIY Flooring Project - Repair & Removal
All Star Rents has it covered for projects where you are removing an old floor surface and preparing for a new floor covering. These machines are professional-duty for handling the toughest of jobs. (See also our Flooring Projects - Installation & Cleaning information sheet.)
Carpet & Tile Removal

The Electric Floor Stripper is designed to remove linoleum, glued down carpet, "VC" tiles and more. We do not recommend this unit for ceramic tiles – a demo hammer with a wide chisel is a good tool for this job. The handle is adjustable for less back strain. It also folds down for easier transportation. It works well with either wood or concrete sub floors. Learn more about floor strippers.
Grinding Concrete Floors
We have three machines for a great variety of projects. These machines can smooth out rough concrete, remove glue or paint and even take down uneven sidewalks from tree root damage. There are so many uses that we have a helpful guide right here:

The Single Disc Floor Grinder is a versatile machine that will remove glue, paint and other like materials without doing any harm to the existing concrete. It will also grind down concrete…but not too much…up to about 1/16." So that makes it good for swirl or rain marks and ripples from the finishing process. We also carry a few Double Disc machines in the company.
A lighter duty version is our Diamond Concrete Grinder. It can be used for a multitude of grinding and removal applications. Best for smaller jobs. It uses an 8" diamond grinding wheel. If being used to remove glues or paint it can make grinding marks in the concrete during normal use. The Single Head Grinder above with the Strip-Serts may be a better tool for the job.
Heavy Duty grinding requires the 8" scarifier (or planer). You can remove up to 1/8" per pass. Often used to repair uneven sidewalks that are cracked from tree roots, this machine can also remove parking lot striping, take down high spots, create a non-slip surface and more.